The Centre of Excellence in Mineralogy (C.E.M.) is a research institution, established in 1974 in the premises of the University of Balochistan through a Gazette notification of the Federal Government, following the announcement of New Education Policy 1972-80, under the Act of Parliament to engage in goal oriented high level teaching, research and establish MS/M.Phil and PhD in the relevant discipline. Applications are invited from Pakistani nationals for appointment in Basic Pay Scale (BPS) and Tenure Track System (TIN for the following Positions, with Basic Pay plus usual allowances as admissible under the rules.
Following Jobs:
A. The necessary qualification, experience and research publications for appointment on faculty position under Basic Pay Scale (BPS) is available at Higher Education Commission website on following link:
http://hec.gov.pk/english/services/universities/QA/Docu ments/All disciplines
B. The necessary qualification, experience and research publications for appointment on faculty position under Tenure Track System (TTS) is available at Higher Education Commission website on following link:
http://www.hec.gov.pkienglishiservices/universitiesitts/ Pages/default.aspx
i. Candidates for the Post of Professor and Associate Professor are required to submit Four (4) sets dossier/ application on prescribed forms along with curriculum vitae, recent photographs, attested copies of degrees/ certificates/ relevant testimonials, experience certificate and research publications.
ii. Candidates for the post of Assistant Professor and Lecturer Cum Research Associate are required to submit two (2) sets of the application on prescribed forms along with curriculum vitae, recent
photographs, attested copies of degrees / certificates and relevant testimonials.
iii. Application Form can be obtained from the website: http://cem.uob.edu.edu.pk OR from the office of the Centre of Excellence in Mineralogy, University of Balochistan, Quetta, on payment of Rs, 500/- each, either personally or by sending self addressed envelope bearing Rs. 30/- postage stamps.
iv. Candidates outside Pakistan may apply on a plain paper giving full Bio-data and curriculum vitae along with attested copies of degrees / certificates.
v. Candidates already in service are required to apply through proper channel by the due date and submit service certificate issued by either present or former employers, otherwise their applications will not be entertained.
vi. Incomplete applications or those received after due date and not fulfilling the minimum criteria will not be entertained.
vii. Candidates applying for the post of Professor and Associate Professor are required to attach with their applications, Bank draft of Rs.3000/-, Candidate applying for the post of Assistant Professor and Lecturer cu Research Associate are required to attach with their applications Bank draft of Rs. 1500/- in favour of Director, CEM.
viii. Test/interview will be held in the Centre of Excellence in Mineralogy, University of Balochistan, Quetta. No TA/DA is admissible.
ix. Canvassing in any form or manner will disqualify the candidate.
x. The last date for submission of complete application along with required documents in the Office of Administrative Officer, CEM is September OS. 2018.
Errors and Omissions are liable to be rectified by the institution.DIRECTOR:
PID: (0) 364/18
Director Prof. Dr. Abdul Salem Phone: 081-9211285, Fax: 081-9211323 Email:aslamk_cem@yahoo.com
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