Agriculture Jobs in Quetta |
AS VISITING FACULTY IN DEPARTMENT OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY BALOCHISTAN AGRICULTURE COLLEGE QUETTA:Applications are invited from eligible/suitable candidates on plain paper with attested copies of testimonials, transcripts, and experience certificate to render the services as Visiting Lecturer for teaching the students of B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture on purely contract basis. The services will be initially rendered for six months but extendable with fixed salary.
M.Sc. (Hone) or BSc. (Hone) Agriculture in Food Technology from HEC recognized institute, Higher qualified and well-experienced persons in the same discipline are recognized to apply.Last Date to Apply
The last date for submission of applications is 15th September. 2018 and interviews will be held on 17th September 2018 in office of the undersigned. No TA/DA are permissible.
Principal, Balochistan Agriculture College Quetta